WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
4 the repeated Wïfhes, of a good Voyage, and as fafe a Re t urn, he imbark 'd on board the Heneretta Maria Yacht, Capt. Fesby Commander, who l ay there for him, and receiv'd h im, wi th thé ufual ceremony, o f fieringGuns, as in l ike cafes. His Excellence de l igning to be Incognito all the way, had none now wi thhim, but Mr.Arun- del, M r . Ticbhrne ( before ment ioned ) Mr . Lidcott (fince that time, Sir 'John Lidcott) Secretary to the Embaf ly ; M r . Michael Wright, Steward of his houfhold i M r . Stephen Viper, Gent leman of his Ho r f e; Signior Vrancifco, his Italian Secretary ; M r. Nicholas Furnys, Sewer ; two Pages , two o f his Chamber j and fomehalf a dozen others of his Fami l y, for his ordinary fervice on the Road,- and with thefe, the Yacht put off that Evening, for Diepe i his Lordfhips Plate, Furni ture, Liverys, and other the Impedimenta o f fo l ong a Journey, V being left behind, wi th order to take the oppor- tuni ty of the ftrft wind,and expect further orders, at Chita Vecchia, the Po rt o f Rome, In
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