WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
5 In two days and a ha lf his Excel lence arrived at Diepe, where, notwi thi tanding hi srefo- lut i on, and endeavours of having paft the whole Journey, in as much privacy, as the occaflon would bear, he rece i vd the Complements, of the Governour, and Ci t y, in a manner ur g i ng him, that his Excel lence wou ld be pleasYl to per- mit himfelf, and the Magiftrates of that Ci t y, to pay h im fome pub l i ck r e f pe f t ; which, his Lcrrd- ftiip wou ld by no means hearken to, but fent two of his Gent lemen to acknowledge, the cour- tefie, and reprefent to them, the refolut ion be- fore mentioned. Fr om Diepe, his Excellence, (wi th the Gent leman of his Horfe, a Page, and a Valet de Chamber) took Poft for Roan ; and thence, to Pa- ris, where the reft of his Servants foon after ar- r iv 'd : A nd i n the eleven days his Lordfhip ftay'd therewi th the fame refolutions, of being Incognito, it was not yet pofTible, to avoid the numerous ca- refles that were dai ly made h i m; for (befides C the
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