WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

the Ext raordinary Envoy o f England, and the reft o f our Na t i on (who according to their dut y, a l - moft hour ly attended him) The moft Eminent Ranutui, Apo f to l i ck Nun t io to that Crown; the Mar ihal d'Humicrs, and other confiderable Perfons o f the French Cour t, wer e not wanting, in their perfonal Vifits : A nd here it was, that the moft Reverend Monf i gni or Ce ««,Vice-Legat in Avignion, firftapply'd to his Excel lence, that he wou ld be pleas'd to take that C i ty i n his way, and to aG- cept of fuch entertainment there, as mi ght at leaft teftifie the fatisfaétion they receiv'd, i n be- ho l d i ng once more, an Engl i fh Embaflador in that C i ty : Nor d i d the Vi ce-Legat think this I nv i- tat ion fo fufficient, but that he Seconded it at Lions, and i n a manner preft it, beyond the power of a refufal : Whereupon <the L o rd Embaf lador difpatcht M r. Wright, to Avignion, to complement h i s Lo r d i h ip in his name, and wi thall to i igni f ie to him, that his Excel lence accepted his kindnefs, prov ided it d i d not prejudice his d e%n , of parting privately, even to Rome . About