WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

5 About twenty miles ihort of Avignion, • M r. Wright was met by the Vice-Legat 's Secre- tary, where he not only waited his Excellence's coming, but had l a id a ll crofs Roads, with a i u i t- able attendance, left pofi ibly, by del ign, or ac- cident, his Excel lence might have pa il him, fome other way: In ihort, the Secretary having unde r- ftood the occafion o f M r. Wright's coming, gav e h im a Letter to his L o r d, which, with his E x c e l- lence' s commands, he prefented the Vi ce-Legat; further af l i i r ing h im, that the L o rd Embaflador wou l dbewi t hh is Lordft i ip, wi thin a day, or two, after him. Whereupon, the Vicc -Legat o r d e rd the whole Garr i fon to be In Arms, and that all the Cannon, mou ld be reaidy for fiering, upon his .Excellence's entry ; A nd the next afternoon went out, toward the Roan, himfelf, with a noble and fplendid Equipage : TJie^Horfe wi th their Banner di fplay 'd, l ed the way, then fol low'd his Lordfhip the Vice-Legat's Coach, i n which, with himfelf,