WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
8 were the Confuls, fome chief Magiftrates, and Mr. Wright, furrounded by a Gu a rd of Swizts, and a numerous train o f Foot-men, in r i ch L i - veries : Th en fol low'd five other of his Lordfhips Coaches, and after them, about fixty others, wi th the Nob i l i t y, and Pr inc ipal Perfons of the C i ty in them, and a fuitable number of Laquies, and other attendance, i n whi ch order, they march'd to the Ri ver fide, where, for near three hours, they expe&ed his Excellence's a r r i v a l ; but n o- thing appearing that evening, they return'd^and the next day, marcht out as before, when at laft, about Sun-fet, they might fee a cover'd Barge, wherein his Excel lence was: On this, the V i c e- Legat, and his company l i ghted, and approacht his Barge; nor had his Lord i h ip fooner fet his foot on fhore, than he made up to the V i c e- Legat, and after mutual embraces (and the L o rd Embafladors Complement, to the Nob i l i t y, and a f u l ftiout of the people) his Excel lence went into the firft Coach, wi th the Vice-Legat, and the
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