WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
9 the Confuls, and then a ll march'd back, through a mul t i tude of Torches to the Ci t y. U p on the firft entry, the Dr ums . T r nm- pets, and Joynt-voices of the people, fpake his Excellence's welcome j which was anfwer'd, by the Cannon, f rom the Wal ls, and f rom thence ( t hr ough a Gu a rd o f Souldiers on either hand, the Balconys and Windows, fo ftuck with lights, that one wou ld have thought the C i t y, fome new Con(tellation) they came to the Pope's Pa l l ace ; where, the Vi ce-Legat having conducted his Lordfhip, to the richeft, and nobleft apartment, left h im a while, wi th thofe Nob le Perfons, that had waited on h im to the C i ty ; and having put on his Prelatical habit, came back again, to make his more folemn Vi l i t, whi ch his Excel lence (af- tef- the Vice-Legat 's departure) accompany 'd with the fame Nob i l i t y, return'd h im again, i n his own appartment. Du r i ng this time, the Vi ce-Legat had invi ted thofe Englifh Cavaliers (that accompany 'd D the
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