WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
Upon theforegoing Account of his Excellency the Earl of Caftlemaine s Emfafjy Extraordinaryto Rome, Anno 1687. L E T Mi g h ty Ctefar not difdain to view Thefe Emblems of his Power and Goodnefs too: A fhort EfTay, but fraught wi th Cxfars Fame, And ihews how diftant Courts eftcem his Name. Here may'ft Thou fee thy wondrous Fortunes traced W i th Suf fnngsf i rf t, and then wi th Empi re g r a cU L o ng toft wi th Storms on Fact ions fwelling Tide, T hy C o n d ud and thy Conftancy was t r y ' d: As Hcav 'n defigr/d thy Virtue to proclaim, And (hew the C r own d.ferv d before it came. Troys Hero thus, when Troy c o ud ( landno more, U %d by the Fates to leave his Nat ive Shore, W i th reftlefs T o il on Land and Seas was toft, Ere He arriv'd the fair Lavinian Coaft. Thus Maro did his mighty Hero feign : ") Auguftus claim'd the Character i n vain, Wh i ch Brittains Ctffar only can fuftain Permi t, dread Sir, my Muf e, though mean, to own A T r u th to Albion, and to Europe known, You arc what Virgil feign d his Prince to be, Your Va l our fuch, and fuch your Piety. G g N ow
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