WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

H 4- N ow Thefeus Deeds we can receive for True? And Hercules was but a Type of You. He made the fierce Lemxan Monf ter bleed, F r om Hydra-Yzdiion You have freed. The Paths of Gl ory t rod, and Danger paft, Juft Heav n allows a peaceful Throne at laft, At Home to fhew th Indulgence of a God, And fend your peaceful Ministers abroad. Wh i le Palmer haftens to the Roman Cour t, (And fraught wi th Wo r th that Honour to fiapporc) His glorious Tra in, and pal l ing Pomp to view, (A Pomp, that ev n to Rome it felf was new) Each Age, each Sex the Latian Turrets fill'd: Each Age and Sex in Tears of J oy d i f t i lUl Wh i le Wonder Th em to Statues did convert, Thofe feemd to Li ve that were the Wo r ks of Art. Emblems and Figures of fuch Life and Force, As, want ing Speech, did to the Eye difcourfe 5 And fhew, what was defpair d 'in Age s paft, An Univerfal Language found at laft. Ha il Palmer, hail Illuftrious Mi n i f t e r! To Cafar, Brittain, Fame and Virtue dear. Cdtfar to reprefent, Great Cafars Voice, v Nam 'd Caftlemaine,thc Brittijh Shores rejoyce 5 C And Tylers Banks applaud Great Ctfars Choice, j