WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
113 H ow therefore cou'd the Mufes filent be ? And None can want a Mufe that writes o f Thee! F r om Thine, not Pfabus Tree, m y Song 111 raife, And C r own d wi th Palm> I wi l contemn the Bares. AT. Tate. ' ' ' ' # P f i rEP lOT B Y\ cxg\[o'|ufyj@« ^-'-fJ -TT^pìo Sr&ctfJLfioi' ' f ì j ^ fJLoi?^ 7]Ì(IC?Vy Xj rSrSV Ó %X(§}* CL7VX <i . 'TTOfj-THiv , wS ^pvcrga, l* iurte "Aperti,, T « 5 & , T}l3L$è VoJfA.y\ efyj . ' Ex, QXX / »5 lorSr^ TOT'OTJ/ zirécoi VLct^v 5 'PÙJJJLCLILUJ 5> IT « T / V J àpyyv ahi ctiftovjaA , vnrzviox. IDEM LATINE. T Empus erat, quo R O G E R 11 vifura triumphum Lucebat Latia eulta feneftra nuru. Tunc mirata V i ri pompam, currufque nitentes Auro, Harninai Roma videnda V i a, Ecquid, ait , toto divifos Orbe Britannos, Viribus infignes, dixerat effe Maro? Romano fefe Imperio junxere Br i tann,i Et pompa ha?c noftras occupat un a demos» Quoque olim innunleris fpe&acula vidimus annis, Juffu R O G ER II prabuit un a dies. D. Jojepbi de Julia in Bihliotheca Vaticana, àf in Collegio Urbano de Propag.Fide Gr*c<e Lingua Profejforis, Among
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