WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

n6 i Among the Numerous Toems prefented tohisExcell the Roman Wits, only this outof thofe inferted in the Italian Account of this Famous Emi/afjj, is tranflated By N . Tate. W Hen P'aimer 'ftnighty Tr i umph now came one, W i th Latian Dames the Crouded Cafements (hone. O ld Rome his Tra in and Chariots did furvey, L?uh,df And feem'd again in the * Flammian Wa y . his Excel- usk^ D o we (lays ftej as Metro fung, ftili find The hardy Britains from the Wo r ld dif-joyn'd. The Brittijh Empi re wi th the Roman meets, Oncfplendid Pomp unites their diftant Streets 5 And Palmer by one happy Da y at laft, Renews the Tr iumps o f the Age s paft. FINIS. E R R AT A ' S . F Olio 8. line 2. hrSwits, read Switzers-, fol. 8. 1 . 8. for Attendance, r. Attendants 5 fol. 22.' I.14. for Attendance , r. Attendants ; fol. 4 7 . 1. n . for Attendance, r. Attendants', fol. y 3 . 1 .12. for Swifts r. Switzers ; fo.l 73 . 1. 1 f . for aa/e, r . 4« ; fol, 78. 1. for de/art, r . ; fo.l 3. 1. 11, r. Lord ÏÙléiïfc/fînct Earl o / Du nwa r r e nwa t c r .