WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

the Embaflador) wi th two chief Mi l i t ary Officers, and ten Pr inc ipal Officers of the C i t y, to bear his Excel lence company, at Supper, whi ch was no lels fumptuous, than magni f icent; It confifted o f four fervices, each, of nine grand Difhes, and fourteen Fnter-mefles, and to render it yet grea- ter, it wanted not the pr ide o f the Italian Mu f i ck. About the mi dd le of Supper, his E x- cellence began A health to His Hol ineis,at whi ch, He, and all the company flood bare-headed, and fix grea t Guns were fired ; whi ch i n a l l relpects, was as punctual ly obferv'd, when the Vi ce-Legat return'd it, i n A health to our Soveraign, T he K i ng of Great Britain ; N or is it to be forgotten, that du r i ng this time of Supper, his Excellence's Gent lemen, were nob ly treated, i n another A p - partment. The day fol lowing, being the Feaftof the Annmtiation, the Vice-Legat, and the before men- t ioned Nob le Perfons, conduc t ed his Excel lence, to H i gh Mafs, i n the Jefuits Ch u r ch of that C i t y ; where,