WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia
• And before tohofe Feet could it le more ]ufl laid, than Tour Majefiies ? and that in a double refpeU The one, in that the former\ firfi appear d in the World, under the Patronage, of Her mofi Serene Highnefs, The Late Dtitchefs of Modena, your mof Illuftriom Mother The other, in that you are not only Heir of Her Vert but fo Exquifite a Judge in both Languages. Nor has it yet been venturd on as a Trunca- tion, but a new Original, with feveral Alterations, and Additions to the former (which the fireightnefs of Time would not then permit) and in that refpeU alfo, implores Tour Gracious Acceptance. But 1 detain Tour Majefty too long: Let not The f£ucen he angry, and til fpeak this once: Live Royal Madam, The Great Example of Tour Sex! Live, The Joy of Eng l and, and Eternal Glory of the Houfe of Ef te! And fmce nothing lefs can add to it, make it yet mo Glorious, in a frince of Wales. \ Y o ur Sacred Majeftys Mofi Obedient, Devoted, Loyal Suhjett, and Humble Servant, MICHAEL WRIGHT,
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