WRIGHT - An account of his excellence - 1688 copia

-3 fervants, an d equipage, as cou ld be then go t ready, moft o f them were fhipt off , about fix weeks before h im, fo r Legborne, wi th Orders t o wait h im there; himfelf having refolv'd, to make his Journey through France •. A nd that, that, mi ght be th e eafier, Hi s Excel lence took t o him as hi s companions, Th e Honourable Thomas Arundel Ef q; Grandfon t o the L o rd Arundel ofWarder,now L o rd Pr i vy - Se a l; Henry Ticbfame ETq- eldeft So n o f Sir Henry Tichhrne, Liev*- o f th e Ordnance T h e Honourable Thomas RatclifcEi'q i So n o f the L o rd Ratclife ; Bartb. Walmejley, o f Dunkan-Hall, i n th e Coun ty of Lancafier E f q ; AndTbo.Eggleflon,of Eggle- ftonjn the fame Coun ty E f q 5 (which three laft, went before, and met his Lo r d l h ip at Paris) A nd having taken leave of their Majeftys, there remain'd no - thing, bu t t o fet forward o n hi s Journey. On th e 5 t h : o f Feb. 1*85 . S. V . Hi s Ex c e l- lence took water fo r Greenwich, accompany*d wi th feveral Nob le Perfonages, that brought h i m f o far on his w a y ; where, after a hearty farewel, an d the